Av. Almirante Barroso,
Nº 63 Sala 417 - Centro
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - BRASIL
CEP: 20031-003
Tel:(55) (21) 2533-4897
FAX:(55) (21) 2240-0134


Camino de los Descubrimientos
Escuela Superior de Ingenieros
41092 Sevilla
Tel. 954486153
Fax. 954487248




Campus de Azurém
4800-058 Guimarães
Tel.: 351 253 510100
Fax: 351 253 514400


Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Before submiting to ICIEOM you will have to agree with the rules above inside the system.

Pay attention to these details:

-The paper must be sent in the format ".doc", it must have a maximum 1 Mb, a limit of 4000 words and it should respect the rules of format available in the site of the event and in the model of the paper otherwise it will not be considered (not evaluated).

-The paper should not contain its title, the name(s) of the author(s), keywords or summary. These data should be presented during the sending of the papers.

-An unlimited number of papers can be sent but only a maximum of 3 papers for each author can be approved (no matter in relation to authorship). It will be counted the papers with higher punctuation.

-The paper should have a maximum of 5 authors.

-To send your paper, you must follow the rules of format available at paper Model.

-The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information, and for the use of best practices and professional ethics in the studies presented in the papers. According to the international laws of copyrights, authors are responsible for the originality of the papers, since the reproduction of content or idea already before published without credit to the original author is considered plagiarism punishable by law. The authors are also responsible for the accuracy of information provided to complete the registration for sending the paper.

-Remember that plagiarism is the act of signing or presenting intellectual work of any kind (text, music, pictorial, photographic, audiovisual, etc.) containing parts of a work that belongs to someone else without putting the credits to the author original. In the act of plagiarism, the plagiarist improperly appropriates the intellectual work of another person, assuming the same author.

I read and I agree with all the rules above
