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Travel Information

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The city has lots of buses lines that can help you get to the University. Take a look at:


Bilbao-Loiu International Airport (airport code BIO), 105 km. Shuttle service from Bilbao airport to San Sebastian: every 60 min, from 7:45 to 23:45; the trip takes 1h20min. Price is approx. 16.50 € (please have cash available: bank or credit cards not accepted).
Tel.: 913 21 10 00
Biarritz International Airport (airport code BIQ) , 40 km.Shuttle service from Biarritz airport to San Sebastian: one bus only at 15:30.
Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 43 83 83
San Sebastian Airport (airport code: EAS),), 20 km. Taxi to San Sebastian is approx. 30 €.
Tel.: 902 40 47 04


From Bilbao: Take the Ondarreta exit from the A-8.
From Vitoria/Pamplona: If traveling on the NI, at 6 km from San Sebastian, once the two exits to Lasarte have passed, there are two ways to enter the city:
Follow the signs reading "Donostia-San Sebastián N-I, A-8", and enter the city at the "ONDARRETA" exit.
Follow the signs reading "Hernani, Añorga, GI-2132" and without leaving the highway take the "ONDARRETA" exit into the city


Bus station: Located in Plaza Pio XII, a 15-minutes walk from the city centre. Taxis are available here.
Estación del Norte (Renfe train station): Located in Egia, on the east side of the river; a 5-minute walk to the city centre and taxis are available at the street entrance.
Taxi Service:
Radiotaxi Donosti - 943 46 46 46
Radio Suital - 943 39 68 40
Vallina Teletaxi - 943 40 40 40
Radio-teléfono - 943 42 66 42


Sebastián, Spain