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Conference Publications

Papers presented at the Conference will be included in the Conference's Proceedings that will be published in October.

Selected full papers presented in the conference will be referred for publication in the following journals and periodical book series, based on topical match.

- International Journal of Production Research (indexed in Science Citation Index; Scopus amongst others)
- International Journal of Production Management and Engineering (indexed in DOAJ, MIAR, Google, EBSCO, SherpaRomeo, ICYT, Latindex, Dulcinea, DRJI e Dialnet; open access).
- Dirección y Organización (indexed in Scopus; ISOC; INDEX; Latindex; REDALYC amongst others).
- Brazilian Journal of Operations and Production Management (open access scientific journal).
- Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering - Springer series (indexed in Scopus; ISI proceedings)

PS: Other journals might be added to this list at the discretion of the Scientific Committee.